Have you heard about the British Columbia feet?

How much do you think about your feet? It seems like a silly question but think about it for a moment. On an average day, do you really spend time thinking about your feet? I would say the only time my feet take up mental territory is when my feet are sore or when I need to buy new shoes. Other than that…they don’t get lots of attention.

However, in British Columbia and even into Washington state, feet have been featured often by the media. Why? Because since August 2007 feet have been washing up on the shore and along the coastline of the Salish Sea. Yep, just feet still in their shoes. As of this writing, 15 feet still in shoes have come ashore, more than one shoe a year.

What’s the deal with the feet?

Ok…so what’s the deal? Is there a serial killer with a foot fetish? Is it gang violence or punishment for not paying back a loan? As you might expect conspiracy theories abound and there are lots of varied reasons for the strange occurrence. So it some unknown evil lurking about that part of the country?

Actually, law enforcement and the coroner’s office are thinking it has a simpler explanation.

Just the facts and nothing but the facts…

Since the beginning of this occurrence, the feet have washed ashore in various stages, sometimes just the ankle and foot incased in the shoe and other times with the tibia and fibula still attached. In all cases, the coroner does not see signs of mechanical separation, so foul play is not suspected in these cases.

Interestingly enough, this part of the country is not the first part where feet have been found. In 2017, a foot was found in a park off the Mississippi River near St. Louis. Police were able to use DNA and find the foot belonged to a man who had gone missing earlier that year. Feet have also been found along other waterways including the Williamette River in Oregon and in Charleston, South Carolina.

But it is still super weird and needs an explanation. Why are feet washing ashore?

When a body goes into water it will sink into the depths but the ankle is a weak part of the body and with decompensation, ocean currents, and saltwater it can become detached from the body. Hands can also become dislodged and disconnect but the feet can find themselves floating to the surface rather than sinking like hands. Why?

Since the foot is encased in a shoe, and with lighter foam and air pockets in shoe technology, the feet float up to the surface. Which is why most of the feet found have been wearing sneakers. Scientists who study the Salish Sea and its currents have remarked that in that area the currents and the west to east winds lead to more things washing ashore.

All that makes sense…but still 15 feet in one area? What is the reason? Here are some possible reasons for the feet.

Media Cycle

One theory believes it is the cycle of the media that causes the number to be so high.

A foot gets found, press reports and the public becomes more aware, people get curious and their beach strolls turn into a foot rescue mission. Then another foot is found, more media coverage, greater awareness and now more people looking. The cycle keeps growing and creating more and more awareness. I had never actually heard of this before Mystery Month, so I guess I am part of the media cycle problem? This strange foot problem has even inspired an episode of the TV show Bones, season 6 episode 17. I watched it after doing research for this post. It was a good episode.

Victims from the 2004 Tsunami

Some believe that the feet are from victims of the tsunami that hit Asia in 2004. When looking at the shoes found on some of the feet, the manufacturing date is 2004 or earlier. When you factor in the Pacific Ocean currents this theory is possible, but I think unlikely. I have shoes that I actively wear that are several years old. In my opinion that the date of manufacturing does not hold a great deal of weight.

Suicide & Accident Victims

Along that area of coastline, you can find a population of about 7 million people- which is a lot of people! Law enforcement believes that the feet are the result of people having died from drownings, suicides, and boating accidents. Using DNA, 10 out of the 15 feet have been identified as people who went missing. In fact, one of the feet belongs to a man who was known to be depressed and believed to have committed suicide. Two of the feet belonged to a woman who committed suicide by jumping off the Pattullo Bridge. Could the feet belong to others who had unfortunate accidents?

In Conclusion…

It does seem strange that so many feet have been found in one relatively small area, but that does not mean there is some conspiracy afoot. Rather, unfortunately, accidents happen and people die in the water. It is a sad thing, but with feet washing ashore it hopefully brings closure to the families who are waiting and wondering for news of their loved ones. It doesn’t make the loss any easier but maybe knowing something is better than knowing nothing.

What do you think? What would you do if you found human remains? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for journeying through history with me and examining the feet. If you are new to the blog, I am in the middle of Mystery Month and have tackled several topics already, you can check out past posts here and I have some exciting ones coming up. You can get updates on new posts by following CampTown Media on Instagram (@camptownmedia) or Facebook.

Till next time,


P.S. – Did you know my husband and I wrote a kids’ book? It is now available on Amazon!! Piggy & his best friend The Bear are excited to go trick-or-treating and need to find the perfect costumes. You can click here for more details.

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