CampTown Hall: Freaky Food Facts

The same podcast hosts, same wit and edutainment, just with a new name! It’s Nonsensicality! Except in this episode, it’s still CampTown Hall! It really is nonsense! In this episode, we explore freaky food facts and what we are really eating. Don’t worry, it’s not too gross! It is freaky though! Play in newContinue reading “CampTown Hall: Freaky Food Facts”

The Amber Room: Where Did It Go?

Hello, Mystery Fans! Welcome to the Mystery Month on the blog, to see the full list of topics click here. We have tackled several topics already, Amelia Earhart and Jack the Ripper, and today I am looking for lost treasure. Grab a shovel and settle in with me as we look through history for TheContinue reading “The Amber Room: Where Did It Go?”

Who Was Jack the Ripper?

I have to admit. I am having way more fun with Mystery Month on the blog than I thought I would. If you missed my thoughts on what happened to Amelia Earhart, click here. I am in no way a professional researcher, or historian, just widely interested in these topics. I also have not doneContinue reading “Who Was Jack the Ripper?”

Nonsensicality: History’s Mysteries

New Podcast Name…Same Awesome Content! Our Podcast is now officially called Nonsensicality! And October is Mystery Month, where we explore the unexplained and try to make sense out of it…or nonsense out of it!  In this episode, we discuss how an entire room can just disappear! Play in new window | Download

What happened to Amelia Earhart?

Welcome to mystery month on the blog! I am going to spend the month looking into some of my favorite mysteries from across the ages. Settle in and let me introduce you to the Mystery of Amelia Earhart. I am going to admit, right at the beginning, I am not a pilot or a navigator.Continue reading “What happened to Amelia Earhart?”

CampTown Hall: The Great Debate

It’s not a political debate! Nope, we debate things that really matter in this episode, the things that defined your household and maybe childhood. We talk about Coke vs. Pepsi, Mayo vs. Miracle Whip, and many others in this episode of CampTown Hall Play in new window | Download

Mystery Month

Starting in October, I will be blogging about as many of my favorite unsolved mysteries from history, both ancient and modern. Excited? Me too. If I could go back in time, I would have been a history major from the start, digging into the who’s, how’s, and why’s of the past. Since I don’t haveContinue reading “Mystery Month”

How a Pronoun Shift Inspired Me

I have always loved words and especially words that envoke imagery. I love reading along and suddenly I am blown-away with imagery. Writing that could be dull and bland can sparkle and shimmer with brilliance. Fun right? When you think of writing that brings vivid imagery, look no further than Psalm 23. In six verses,Continue reading “How a Pronoun Shift Inspired Me”

This or That? A guide to making wise choices.

Welcome friends! Thanks so much for stopping by the blog! I am so glad you are here! Have you ever had to defend a choice you made? Why did you choose this? Why didn’t you choose that? It forces you to be mindful of what you are doing. Why did I do that anyway? MyContinue reading “This or That? A guide to making wise choices.”