Hello Friends! Welcome to the latest installment of Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri. When I originally started this journey of the famous outlaws in the Show-Me-State I was only going to focus on Southwest Missouri. You can read about Bonnie & Clyde in Reeds Spring, Missouri by clicking here or the outlaws in Springfield, MissouriContinue reading “Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri: Part 4 of 4”
Author Archives: Kimberly Rankin
That One Saturday I Got Lost in Adventure…
I love adventure and the idea of adventuring…is adventuring even a word? I love wondering where my feet will take me as I leave my front door. Or, as Biblo said best… “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s noContinue reading “That One Saturday I Got Lost in Adventure…”
History Lessons: Bonnie, Clyde & the Great “What If”
Bonnie & Clyde… What images pop immediately in your head at the sound of those names? Do you think of heartless thugs? Notorious bank robbers? Cold-blooded murderers? Or do you think of their wild and crazy romance? Maybe you even think combination all of that? The fact that they conjure up such a wild varietyContinue reading “History Lessons: Bonnie, Clyde & the Great “What If””
Nonsensicality: 42nd Sci-Fi Episode!
In this episode, we discuss the answer to Life, the Universe, and everything, as well as a whole lot of other sci-fi Nonsense! Kim subjects Caleb to yet another quiz, but this time it’s right up his alley…he hopes!
Nonsensicality: LIES Grown-Ups Tell Kids
“Don’t make that face or it’ll stick like that!” “If you eat watermelon seeds it’ll grow in your tummy!” Grown-ups aren’t always quite honest with children. In today’s episode of Nonsensicality we explore and debunk those lies!
Nonsensicality: 4th of July QUIZ!
Kim quizzes Caleb on his July 4th Knowledge. The results aren’t surprising but are hilarious!
Nonsensicality: Fun Facts Freaky Fast
In this episode of Nonsensicality, Kim and Caleb rapid-fire fun facts at each other, and then make fun of them! Lots of fun facts and lots of nonsense!
Nonsensicality: Christmas Future
In this episode of Nonsensicality, we share our hopes for this Christmas as well as make some pretty outrageous predictions about what will be big for Christmas in 2020. We bring nonsense to a whole new level!
Nonsensicality: Christmas Present(s)
In this episode of Nonsensicality, we talk about some of the greatest gifts we’ve given/received and reveal some fun and interesting nonsense about Christmas Presents!
Nonsensicality: Christmas Past
Did you know some countries have 13 Santa Clauses and in some countries, KFC is considered a traditional Christmas meal?!? In this episode of Nonsensicality, we learn all about it and a host of other weird facts about Christmas.