Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri: Part 4 of 4

Hello Friends! Welcome to the latest installment of Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri. When I originally started this journey of the famous outlaws in the Show-Me-State I was only going to focus on Southwest Missouri. You can read about Bonnie & Clyde in Reeds Spring, Missouri by clicking here or the outlaws in Springfield, MissouriContinue reading “Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri: Part 4 of 4”

That One Saturday I Got Lost in Adventure…

I love adventure and the idea of adventuring…is adventuring even a word? I love wondering where my feet will take me as I leave my front door. Or, as Biblo said best… “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s noContinue reading “That One Saturday I Got Lost in Adventure…”

History Lessons: Bonnie, Clyde & the Great “What If”

Bonnie & Clyde… What images pop immediately in your head at the sound of those names?  Do you think of heartless thugs?  Notorious bank robbers?  Cold-blooded murderers?  Or do you think of their wild and crazy romance?  Maybe you even think combination all of that?  The fact that they conjure up such a wild varietyContinue reading “History Lessons: Bonnie, Clyde & the Great “What If””