September Ponderings…

I have a love/hate relationship with September. My son calls it a garbage month and the “Thursday” the year. This month as always been the gateway for Autumn, back to school, and cooler weather. Shops bring out the fall clothing options, Pumpkin Spice invades everything and the calendar is full of fun fall festival options.Continue reading “September Ponderings…”

Road Trip Life Lesson #721…

It was a lazy Saturday morning. There was a threat of rain in the forecast and we were drinking coffee and going through the options for the day. “What do you want to do today?” Such a frequently asked question, right? We tossed around some ideas and rabbit trailed until Caleb threw out THE question.Continue reading “Road Trip Life Lesson #721…”

Feeding Fear or Feeding Faith

One of my favorite movies is You’ve Got Mail, and I love the line Kathleen Kelly uses in one of her emails: “Dear Friend, I like to start my notes to you as if we’re already in the middle of a conversation. I pretend that we’re the oldest and dearest friends.” It completely describes howContinue reading “Feeding Fear or Feeding Faith”