DEDICATION To my mom who always encouraged personal hygiene, and to my dad who once pulled a giant ball of wax from my ear, planting a seed in my mind for this disgusting story. Introduction Welcome to the town of Burgsburg. Not that you’re actually in Burgsburg; you’re just reading about it. So…welcome to readingContinue reading “Jack’s Wax vs. Mak’s Plaque – Intro”
Tag Archives: Short Story
Taco-bot: A Love Story
In the not-so-far-off future there was a factory, or rather, there will be, because this story takes place in the not-so-far-off future. But for the sake of storytelling and to prevent confusion we’ll say “was.” So, in the not-so-far-off future there was a factory. What this factory produced, who knows? Widgets? Maybe gizmos? Let’s justContinue reading “Taco-bot: A Love Story”