I have a love/hate relationship with September. My son calls it a garbage month and the “Thursday” the year. This month as always been the gateway for Autumn, back to school, and cooler weather. Shops bring out the fall clothing options, Pumpkin Spice invades everything and the calendar is full of fun fall festival options. We expect it to look like the photo above in all it’s Autumn glory.
When, in reality, the month of September is still practically summer all month long with the heat and humidity. Rather than grabbing a coffee and wearing a cute sweater, you can go swimming at the lake. Don’t get me wrong, I like summer (sort of) but I LOVE Autumn! It’s my favorite season and I love that winter is right behind it. I am always disappointed that Autumn and September don’t always match.
We recently launched a new CampTown Hall episode about September and I did my best to find fun facts to redeem it from being a “garbage” month. Below are some of the fun facts and holidays I referenced so you can start seeing September with new eyes.

September Fun Facts
- More people are born in September than in any other month.
- When Britain lost 11 days…
- In 1752 Britain moved from the Julian calendar, one that follows the solar year, to the Gregorian calendar. The Julian calendar is based on 365.25 days of the year which in time can cause the calendar to fall out of line with the seasons. The Gregorian calendar is based on 365.24219 days in a year, which given a leap year every 4 years, keeps the calendar and seasons in check.
- When Britain switched in 1752, September 3rd became September 14th. As a result, nothing whatsoever happened in British history between September 3rd-13th, 1752.
- People believed their lives would be shortened as a result and took to the streets chanting, “give us back our 11 days.”
- The Beard Tax
- September 5, 1698 – Peter the Great of Russia decreed a tax on beards. When a citizen had more than 2 weeks’ worth of growth, a tax had to be paid, and the person was granted a two-sided token stating: “the beard tax has been taken” and “the beard is a superfluous burden.”
Goofy September Holidays
As mentioned in the podcast, or below if you haven’t heard the podcast…here are some interesting days to celebrate in September. We will certainly be celebrating these on social media and are inviting you to join the fun! Follow along with @camptownmedia on Instagram. Mark your calendars now because September is going to be amazing!!
- 9/5 National Cheese Pizza Day
- 9/6 Read a Book Day
- 9/8 Grandparents Day
- 9/12 National Video Games Day
- 9/14 National Coloring Day
- 9/15 Wife Appreciation Day
- 9/16 National Guacamole Day
- 9/18 National Cheeseburger Day
- 9/19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day- this is also International Meow Like a Pirate Day (so you can choose your way to speak like a pirate)
- 9/20 National Queso Day
- 9/21 Batman Day
- 9/22 Hobbit Day/ National Ice Cream Cone Day
- 9/23 National Dogs in Politics Day
- 9/25 National Comic Book Day
- 9/26 National Family Day
- 9/29 National Coffee Day (also National Starbucks Day if you are looking for a place to have coffee)
- 9/30 International Podcast Day (look for a bonus episode of CampTown Hall)
How do you feel about September? Leave me a comment below and let me know. Plus, if you think I have given pumpkin spice a bad rap, let me know. Maybe I haven’t tried the best yet.
I can’t wait to hear from you! Happy September!