Welcome friends! I am so glad you stopped by the blog! We are celebrating fun facts today and here’s a freebie. The opening photo above made me laugh. I thought it fitting for today’s topic.
Imagine you are meeting someone new. If you are like me you may have an imaginary index card you read with the all have the usual things we say when meeting someone. Answers to potential questions they might ask. Hello, my name is…I am single/married…with or without kids…I do this for a living.

For example, my name is Kim and I have been married to Caleb for 22 years. We have one son, Connor, who is 21 years old. We recently made a career shift from full-time ministry to the next adventure the Lord has for us. We love our local church and helping people live their best life for Jesus.
What I love though is learning the less obvious stuff about a person; unusual facts, irrational fears, silly things they did as a kid. In this post, you are getting my fun facts, things about me that would most likely never come up in a first-time conversation.
18 Things Most People Don’t Know About Me
- I would love to be a minimalist! Seriously! I would love to only own the things I truly love and truly need and not what the magazines or Amazon tells me I need. Do we need 25 sweatshirts and 8 different types of fall boots? NO! Do I need every dish, cup, and platter in my kitchen? Again, no!
- I would LOVE to live in a tiny house. Good thing I am thinking about minimalism, huh? Think about it. Less stuff plus less space equal less cleaning…who doesn’t love that idea? The only part I am hesitant about is the composting toilet. I like toilets that flush.
- I like conspiracy theories! We are working on a podcast coming up about our favorite conspiracy theories. One of mine comes from WWII and is the controversy about if Hitler actually died in the bunker or if he got out of Germany. Reading about his life and his terrible plans to take over the world…would someone like that toss it all in? I don’t know. If you want to hear more about this conspiracy and my thoughts, stay tuned to our CampTown Hall podcast. Check out our homepage for the latest episode.
- I love being a Vegetarian– I do. I feel better. I think the more plant-based, whole food you can eat, the better your body runs. I really don’t miss meat…cheese a bit, but not meat.
- I love Fall– I love the cool weather, the plants that make me sneeze die off. I can wear my favorite sweater and go to fall festivals. Fall is the best and it ushers in my other favorite season, winter! I fully acknowledge that I am strange, it’s ok.
- I dislike small talk– not because I don’t like meeting people, I am just bad at it. I makeup interview questions in my head and pretend I am hosting a talk show. I am not even kidding. It’s one of the games I play.
- I own a pet pig. Her name is Waddles and you can learn more about her here. She’s awesome! Plus, she has her own Instagram and a blog page you can read here.
- I almost always wear the color black. I worked in kids’ ministry for 14 years and wore LOTS of fun, bright colors. Once I was in a mall and a family told me later they saw me but didn’t want to interrupt me because I looked “too grown-up.”
- I am an only child, the oldest child and the youngest child in my family. How? I was an only child when my parents got divorced. My mom remarried and had my brother so in that family I am the oldest. My dad remarried and my step-mom had two kids, both older than me, so I am the youngest. Cool, right?
- I have never watched It’s a Wonderful Life and I don’t want to. I know! You can’t believe it. I heard it was sad and I don’t like watching sad movies. I know it ends well, but I can’t build up a desire to watch it.
- The Wizard of Oz scares me a bit. Our family watched it every year on TV and I watched parts of it from behind a blanket. I don’t like the witch and I don’t like flying monkeys.
- If ice cream has stuff in it, like nuts, chocolate chunks, candies, etc. I struggle to eat it. I don’t think ice cream is a chew food. It needs to be smooth.
- I once hid behind a couch and held my breath to avoid getting into trouble. It didn’t work. My nana found me once I passed out and once she woke me up…let’s just saw that it lead into fun fact #14.
- I have an irrational fear of wooden spoons with holes in them. It was my nana’s weapon of choice for administering punishments. The day I held my breath to avoid trouble…I got double spoon swats.
- If I could choose my personality it would be this… Part Miss Marple (she can read people), part Sherlock Holmes (observational skills), part The Doctor from Doctor Who (just to know all the things), part Samwise from The Lord of the Rings (his loyalty and desire to see the best in others), and part Elizabeth Bennett (her charm and wit.)
- I used to have the movie Stand By Me memorized. My best friend growing up handwrote out the entire movie word for word. It was our favorite!
- I would love to go back in time and dance with Fred Astaire or even with Danny Kaye in White Christmas. I love watching graceful dancers. I like to pretend that I am that graceful. Somedays I think I have two left feet.
- I only like my eggs scrambled. I think any other way is icky.
I am stopping here and saving the rest for another day. So, do we have anything in common? What fun facts about you do most people not know? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.
Much love,
Bonus, if you want to know all about Caleb you can check out his 20 amazing facts blog post here.
I too am a fan of black attire! And I completely understand the irrational fear of wooden spoons though not firsthand.