Jack’s Wax vs. Mak’s Plaque – Intro


To my mom who always encouraged personal hygiene, and to my dad who once pulled a giant ball of wax from my ear, planting a seed in my mind for this disgusting story.


Welcome to the town of Burgsburg. Not that you’re actually in Burgsburg; you’re just reading about it. So…welcome to reading about Burgsburg! Never heard of it? Not many people have. It’s a quiet little town in the middle of nowhere. The nearest big city is Megatropolis, which is an hour-long drive from Burgsburg. What?! You’ve never heard of Megatropolis? Hm. That’s probably because you’re reading fiction.

Now, back to Burgsburg. As I was saying…What was that? Who am I? I’m the narrator. Have you never read a book before? In that case…

Welcome to A BOOK! This book is a made-up story, about a made-up town (also known as the setting), with made-up people (also known as characters)! In this story these characters will have all sorts of things happen to them (also known as a plot)! I (the narrator, as we’ve already established) will explain to you everything that’s happening in the story! Shall we continue? Thanks.


A town.

A small town.

A small, sleepy town.

A small, sleepy town in the middle of nowhere.

A small, sleepy town in the middle of nowhere, where people lived their ordinary boring lives, doing nothing very interesting.

A town where nothing exciting happened.

Ever! Until today.

© 2025 CampTown Media

Enjoying the story so far? Feel free to buy Caleb a cup of coffee, to fund further chapters and episodes of Jack’s Wax!!!

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