Angelic Assignment: Day 4 – Scattering of Nations

“They’re at it again” Gabriel sighed.

“I suppose they are,” Michael agreed.

“Don’t they know that they could never build a tower tall enough to reach heaven? Don’t they realize how far it is?!”

“Actually, no they do not,” Michael replied. “Unlike you, they have never been there.”

“Touché,” Gabriel conceded. “So, what’s the plan here?”

“For a moment we simply observe.”

  Michael and Gabriel sat on a hill near the great city watching the construction. Thousands of people joined together with a common purpose: BUILD! They would construct a massive city, big enough to hold the world’s entire population. In the center of this metropolis they would build a tower, high enough to reach the heavens, if not physically, metaphysically.

Hundreds of people stoked the fires to keep the brick ovens burning hot. Hundreds more filled buckets with ta   c r to seal the bricks and even hundreds more hauled the bricks and tar up to the top of the tower to add yet another level to their grand achievement.

“Do they really think they can reach heaven?” Gabriel asked.

“I believe this project is more about status and accomplishment than physically reaching heaven,” Michael replied. “There are mountains all around that can help reach a higher altitude than any tower they could build. If they genuinely believed elevation brought them closer to the Father, they might simply go for a hike, although, you and I both know it takes so much more to be close to the Father. I believe this project of theirs is a matter of pride.”

“Oh,” Gabriel said. “Pride. The great motivator. One thing I learned in the Great War is that those full of pride soon find themselves in direct competition with and opposition to the Father.” Gabriel paused momentarily. “Maybe this tower is less about trying to reach the Father and more about trying to be like Him.”

“Well said Gabriel,” Michael said. “If you recall the Adversary’s prideful statements were those very words. ‘I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.’”

“He’s doing this, isn’t he?” Gabriel asked.

“Without a doubt, the Adversary is behind this,” Michael reassured Gabriel. “I believe if he can convince them to make a name for themselves, and make themselves great, they won’t feel the need to depend on the Father; that they can be all they need.”

“It’s a tale as old as time, literally. First in the Garden and the fruit, now here with this…monstrosity. The Adversary lying to humanity, telling them that they can be like the Father.”

“And humanity falling for that lie, once again,” Michael added. “It is very sad. Since the Fall, mankind has bought into the deception that to be happy you must be your own god and worship yourself over any others, when true joy and fulfillment comes from worshiping and being with the Father.”

“You know that, and I know that, but what keeps humanity from realizing that?”

“It is their fractured spiritual state,” Michael answered. “Since the moment they sinned, man and woman tried to run from the Father and fix their mistakes on their own. But it just does not work. In fact, it is a vicious cycle. Man sins and so draws away from the Father. Because they are far from the Father, they sin more, and the cycle continues.”

“What can break the cycle?”

“Not what, Gabriel. Who,” Michael replied.

“The Plan?”

“Yes,” Michael answered solemnly. “When He comes, He will draw all men unto himself.”

“I can’t wait to see the day,” Gabriel smiled. “Wait. Is that why we’re here? To finish the Plan?”

“No, my brother, the time is not right.”

“Why not?” Gabriel disputed. “All of humanity is right there. The plan could be executed in one fell swoop!”

“That is actually one of the reasons why not just yet,” Michael answered. “Aside from trying to be their own god mankind has still not fulfilled their very first commandment.”

“Subdue?” Gabriel asked.

“Subdue,” Michael confirmed. “Which is why we are here.”

“Time for another eviction?”

“It is.”

“Using the trumpet again?”

“Not this time,” Michael said. “The Father has a more creative plan. No trumpet, no Quadruplets, no flaming sword, and the animals are welcome to stay, perhaps even a few humans, but not all of them. It is time they honored the Father’s command to subdue the Earth.”

“So how does this work?”

Michael produced a pair of scrolls from beneath his robe and handed Gabriel one. “Here is a list of different languages the Father has created. Simply touch the shoulder of one of the citizens below while saying the name of one of the languages, and they will become fluent in that tongue and no other. The language barrier will make continuing the work impossible, and the citizens of this city will abandon their project.”

“Just touch and speak,” Gabriel mused. “That easy, huh? Any other things I should consider?”

“Try to spread out the languages evenly among the population, so it is not particularly heavy in one tongue. Also, please keep families together,” Michael admonished. “We do not want a communication breakdown in the home.”

“Well then, let’s get busy.”

Michael and Gabriel spent the rest of the afternoon flying through the great city imparting to the people their new languages. It didn’t take long for the communication to completely break down. At first people were confused, but as the misunderstandings grew, tempers flared to the verge of violence. Finally, in frustration and exhaustion, the citizens left their work and went back to their homes where, thankfully, due to Michael’s strong encouragement they could tell their spouses all about their rotten day.

“That was a lot of fun!” Gabriel said, admiring his handiwork.

“It was quite enjoyable, knowing we are helping mankind fulfill their God-given directive,” Michael said.

“Yes, that too, but c’mon,” Gabriel elbowed Michael in the ribs. “You enjoyed seeing the confusion on their faces and seeing their pride levels taken down a notch or two.”

Michael only smiled.

“I knew it.”

“No, Gabriel,” Michael said through his grin. “I was just thinking about the Plan and how you want to be such a big part of it.”

“Of course I do,” Gabirel said. “But what’s so funny about that?”

“Well, brother. To play a big part in this plan you will need to learn all those languages yourself.”

“Excuse me?” Gabriel retorted. “All of them? Isn’t there some way to just tap me on the shoulder and download the entire list to me.”

“No, my friend. Only one language can be imparted that way.”


Michael placed a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder and said, “Seriously,” and before Gabriel could reply said, “Spanish.”

“¿Qué?” Gabriel questioned in his newly imparted tongue. “¿Qué me hiciste?”

“I am so sorry,” Michael replied grinning widely, “I have no idea what you are saying.”

“¡Cambia mi idioma de nuevo, ahora mismo!” Gabriel bellowed.

“I really wish I could help you, brother, but I am at a total loss as to what you are saying.” Michael laughed as he flew into the heavens with Gabriel trailing him shouting at him in his new language.

© 2025 CampTown Media

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