If I Had a Million Dollars…

In 1992 Barenaked Ladies released a song called “If I Had a Million Dollars.” I love that song, mostly because of the ridiculous things they say they’d buy with it. But any time I hear the song, it gets me thinking about what I would do if I, somehow ended up with a million dollars.Continue reading “If I Had a Million Dollars…”

Who IS this…CALEB?!?

Hey, Happy Campers! Recently Kim posted 18 Random and Fun Facts about herself, so I thought it would only be fitting for me to do the same thing…not that I’m in any way competing with her (as you’ll see in number 4 below), but I’m going to give you at TWENTY Random and AMAZING FactsContinue reading “Who IS this…CALEB?!?”

18 Random and Fun Facts About Me…

Welcome friends! I am so glad you stopped by the blog! We are celebrating fun facts today and here’s a freebie. The opening photo above made me laugh. I thought it fitting for today’s topic. Imagine you are meeting someone new. If you are like me you may have an imaginary index card you readContinue reading “18 Random and Fun Facts About Me…”

BACK to fix my FUTURE!

Kim and I recently did a Podcast about the 1980s. What an amazing decade! I was glad that I got to witness it. But it got me thinking about the past. Not in a reminiscing Wonder Years kind of way, but a “would I go back?” kind of way. That’s a complicated question, and I’mContinue reading “BACK to fix my FUTURE!”

5 Ways to Stop Playing the Comparison Game…

Ever feel like you don’t have all the right pieces in your box to make your life work? Ever feel like you don’t measure up? Ever feel like the dumbest person in the room? Please say I am not the only one here. So what’s the solution? We get information faster today than in anyContinue reading “5 Ways to Stop Playing the Comparison Game…”

September Ponderings…

I have a love/hate relationship with September. My son calls it a garbage month and the “Thursday” the year. This month as always been the gateway for Autumn, back to school, and cooler weather. Shops bring out the fall clothing options, Pumpkin Spice invades everything and the calendar is full of fun fall festival options.Continue reading “September Ponderings…”