Did you know some countries have 13 Santa Clauses and in some countries, KFC is considered a traditional Christmas meal?!? In this episode of Nonsensicality, we learn all about it and a host of other weird facts about Christmas.
Category Archives: Blog
Nonsensicality: Happy Thanksgiving
Would you like some eel or seal with your Thanksgiving Dinner? The Pilgrims did! We learn more about that and more fun and weird things about Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble!
Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri: Part 3 of 4
Welcome back! Thanks for being on the final leg of the Bonnie & Clyde Road Trip Tour. I am your host and, once again, I will be guiding you on their adventures in the Show-Me State. If you missed the previous posts on their trip to Springfield you can check it out here and you canContinue reading “Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri: Part 3 of 4”
Nonsensicality: Fast Food Frenzy
Continuing our Nonsensicality: Month of Food we are exploring fun and interesting facts about the Fast Food industry. Do you dip your fries in your Frosty or Shake?
Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri: Part 2 of 4
Welcome back! Thanks for being on the Bonnie & Clyde Road Trip Tour. I am your host and I will be guiding you on their adventures in the Show-Me State. If you missed the previous post on their first trip to Springfield you can check it out here. This time we are fast-forwarding a fewContinue reading “Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri: Part 2 of 4”
Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri: Part 1 of 4
When I was younger I wanted to be in the secret service because I wanted to know all the “secrets” and have a high-security clearance. I wanted access to data and information. I guess not much has changed. I still want to know things that have happened and all the details but my interest isContinue reading “Bonnie & Clyde in Missouri: Part 1 of 4”
Nonsensicality: All About Snacks
We all love a good snack now and then, whether it’s a healthy treat or a sweet or savory indulgence. In this week’s episode, we learn some fun snack facts, PLUS we do a blind taste test between Cheez-its and Cheese Nips! See who won!
The Greatest Generation
My grandparents belonged to what is called the greatest generation. These are the men and women who lived through two world wars. Today is Veteran’s Day 2019 and I want to take a moment and honor my family who served in World War II. I am a huge fan of history, especially World War IIContinue reading “The Greatest Generation”
Nonsensicality: Cereal
In this episode of Nonsensicality, we discuss our favorite and least favorite cereals, learn about the origin of cereal, and other crazy cereal-related facts!
I missed it!
I had a plan. I had a really good plan all written out. I even wrote it in pen. It was perfect on paper. And I missed the mark! I didn’t meet my deadlines, I didn’t hit the target or even come close. Is this just me? Your goal could have been clean eating, gymContinue reading “I missed it!”