In the not-so-far-off future there was a factory, or rather, there will be, because this story takes place in the not-so-far-off future. But for the sake of storytelling and to prevent confusion we’ll say “was.” So, in the not-so-far-off future there was a factory. What this factory produced, who knows? Widgets? Maybe gizmos? Let’s justContinue reading “Taco-bot: A Love Story”
Author Archives: Caleb Rankin
Mistakes We Make When We Vote
I hesitate to even post this. Possibly by the time I do, it may be irrelevant but after praying about it I felt I should. I also understand that this is a very sensitive subject for many people and many are passionate about their opinions on this matter. You may have negative feedback for meContinue reading “Mistakes We Make When We Vote”
Have you ever made a mistake as a parent that sets your child on an unfortunate trajectory that takes years to course-correct? When our son, Connor, was a kindergartener he was fascinated with science. He loved learning and discovering new things. He showed a particular interest in natural sciences-how the world worked! Being intentional andContinue reading “WHEN THE STORM COMES: WINNING MINDSETS FOR LIFE’S TRIALS”
Nonsensicality: Weird Town Names
In this episode of Nonsensicality, we explore some of our nation’s most oddly named towns and try to figure out why people would name their beloved towns things like Booger Hole, Toad Suck, or Satan’s Kingdom?!? PLUS, we dabble a little into what Caleb calls “Facebook Science!”
Nonsensicality: Quizney
Kim quizzes Caleb on his Disney knowledge. Think you can beat him? Follow along and take the quiz yourself. Be sure to share your scores with Kim and Caleb on our website or social media.
Nonsensicality: The Mandela Effect
Has history been re-written? Are we plugged into the Matrix? Are we crossing over into alternate parallel timelines and multiverses? These questions have been asked in an attempt to explain a crazy phenomenon called The Mandela Effect. Have you been affected by it? Take our Mandela Effect quiz to find out!
Nonsensicality: Sitcom Catchphrase Quiz
In this episode of NONSENSICALITY Caleb quizzes Kim on popular sitcom catchphrases. Do you think you can beat her? Join in on the fun and see how well you know your sitcom catchphrases! Like what you hear? Support Nonsensicality on Patreon: Follow us on… Instagram: @CampTownMedia Facebook: CampTownMedia Twitter: @CampTownMedia
Nonsensicality: Dad Jokes
In this episode of Nonsensicality we tell some of our favorite and least favorite Dad Jokes. If you have a Dad Joke you want to share visit our Connect With Us page and make us laugh!
Nonsensicality: Quack Remedies
This episode of Nonsensicality will cure your boredom!* One dose of Nonsensicality and all your boredom and “ho-hums” will disappear, as we learn all about quack remedies from the past and even some that are around today! *This statement not proven by the FDA but probably will work. Really what have you got to lose?
Nonsensicality: Failed TV Shows
There are some RIDICULOUS TV shows out there! But what about the ones that didn’t make the cut? Join us in this episode, as we discover TV shows that were too ludicrous to air, but somehow they did…most for less than a season.